A Different Look at Fitness

Rethinking Our Approach


The modern perception of fitness is often portrayed through images of lean, muscular bodies, typically honed through hours of dedication in the gym.

This paints a picture that fitness is synonymous with a chiselled physique. However, it's crucial to question these portrayals: do we genuinely need to emulate athletes, or is there a broader perspective on fitness that is more inclusive and realistic for the average person?

Boasting visible abs

For most, fitness is not about having a body that mirrors an athlete or boasting visible abs—it’s about enhancing the quality of life. Being fit means being capable of handling daily physical tasks with ease, possessing the stamina to engage actively with our loved ones, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

It involves nurturing a body that serves us well, rather than sculpting it to match a societal ideal.

Gardening, dancing and playing with children

Moreover, the gym is not the sole avenue to achieve fitness. There are infinite paths leading to a healthy lifestyle, and often, they're woven into our everyday activities. Gardening, dancing, playing with children, or even brisk walking can contribute significantly to our overall fitness.

These activities may not showcase immediate results in muscle definition, but they positively impact our cardiovascular health, strength, and flexibility.

Not everyone has the time

It's also vital to address that fitness should be tailored to an individual's capabilities and goals. Not everyone has the time, resources, or inclination to pursue a gym-centric routine, and that's perfectly normal.

Fitness routines should adapt to personal circumstances, not the other way around. What matters most is consistent movement and finding joy in the activities you choose to indulge in.

Feeling healthy and strong

There's an evident need to redefine the term 'being fit'. For most people, fitness should equate to feeling healthy and strong enough in their bodies to live the life they desire.

This means having a functional body that allows for a wide range of activities, not just ones that exhibit physical prowess.

Peace, joy and contentment

Emotional and mental well-being are as much a part of fitness as physical strength. A healthy mind supports a healthy body.

Activities that bring us peace, joy, and contentment should be part of our fitness regimen. Whether it's yoga, meditative running, or simply taking time to relax, these practices contribute to our overall health.

Maintaining a lifestyle

Fitness is a personal journey and one that shouldn't be confined to the walls of a gym or the ideals set by athlete endorsements. It's about building and maintaining a lifestyle that is sustainable, enjoyable, and beneficial on all fronts – physical, mental, and emotional.

So, the question we should be asking ourselves isn't "Do we need to have a body like an athlete?" but instead, "What activities make us feel our best, and how can we incorporate them into our daily lives?"

It's time for a different look at fitness, one that celebrates all forms of activity and all kinds of bodies.